MOHS Surgery

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This office based surgical technique, to remove skin cancers, was developed by Dr. Freddric Mohs and later perfected by San Francisco dermatologists-Drs. Tromovich and Stegman. The Mohs surgery has a cure rate of 99% for treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer and is the highest of all available treatment modalities. Mohs Surgery also produces best cosmetic results and is the safest since it is done in the office under local anesthesia.


Dr. Zemtsov is a Mohs surgeon trained at Cleveland Clinic “the longest-running Mohs surgery program in the country”. Dr. Zemtsov is a member of national Mohs society (ASMS). The office is CLIA certified to perform Mohs surgery and employs ASMS trained, certified Mohs technicians. Furthermore Dr. Zemtsov is published extensively in both dermatology and plastic surgery peer reviewed medical journals including invited Editorial in Annals of Plastic Surgery. Finally in addition to performing thousands of Mohs surgery procedures Dr. Zemtsov has been teaching other dermatologists this technique and is also associate professor at Indiana University School of Medicine.